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Farmer VS Hunter Vanilla 2.1D
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Patch note :
Farmer changes :
- Masonry hit points bonus and increment from both 10% to both 7.5%
Hunter changes :
- Removal of gem of true sight, added an upgrade on bombs for them to auto-explode.
- Removal of flare gun.
- Bounty becomes 25 gold more expensive with every upgrade.
- Hunter units will be stopped if on patrol, can stil be shift+A to move around the map.
- Added a hunter counter that gives hunters some gold and a level every 4 minutes.
- Bombard tower range from 1800 to 1500.
- Magic tower cost from 40 to 60, base armor from 5 to 8.
- Boom trap cost from 25 to 50. Also destroys itself now when it is on highground.
- Changes to hero spells: Ward on level one, skipping levels, far sight cooldown on level one, wolf cooldown level 2 and 3.
- Lowered sapper explosion range from 250 to 200.
- Removed units from being able to be teleported to.
- Blessing now gives 3 stat points.
- Sapper range returned from 200 to 250 (removes an extra tree most of the time).
- Mercs give gold based on animal bounty levels.
- Attribute points becomes Empowering Strike: For each farmer or 10 mercenaries that you kill, you get 1/2/3 stat points.
Area changes :
- Changes to bases that have been underused and bases that have been overused to add more balance.
- Added more forest.
- Lowered areas on the island.
Items and combos :
- Added Armor of Arnon to Boss (+4000 hp, +10 armor)
- Armor of Arnon + Ankh of Reincarnation
- (Amulet of Evasion + Gloves of Speed) + Critic's Key
- (Sobi + Ring of Regen) + Staff of Teleportation
Mercenary changes :
- Golem lab changed to Mercenary Robotics, can be build from start, costs 1000 instead of 150.
- Lowered footmens change to reduce damage from 100% to 40%
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Farmer VS Hunter V4.22 Official
Editor :
Patch note :
Farmer changes :
- Farmers got item ( Clock of invisibility , Lucky Shovel , Waldo... )
- There is now 12 farmers
- There is now 3 type of golem . Heli golem , Tank golem , and basic golem
Hunter changes :
- There is now 4 hunters
Area changes :
- The map is bigger , there is a lot of new area to play with
- There is a new boss , with some new items
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